... ... ... ...... don't you feel like that sometimes...
Look but not with; the eyes don’t see.
Hear but not with; the ears don’t listen.
Speak of but not what passes in silence.
For what can touch can’t be gotten.
What can’t be gotten, can be learnt.
What can be learnt, must be experienced.
As it happens, so it shall be.
It is a bitter-sweet emotion
To be deeply moved by what I experience,
And have not the means to share it with you.
And even as I speak, the words fail me
For only I know truly how deep it touched me.
And I celebrate the day you experience for your Self
That total experience of Being free.
-18 October 2005
When Lost...
And when I forget, or fail to remember
I look back up, and I come back home.
-20 October 2005